Thursday 19 January 2012

Apple Pie - Szarlotka - Ania's Polish recipe #2


Pie Crust:
2 cups white all-purpose flour
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup unsalted butter (cold)
2 large eggs
4 tbs heavy cream
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt

Apple filling:
3 large apples
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 cup brown or golden sugar

Step #1
mix flour, baking powder and salt

Step #2
add cold butter and blend it together with a pastry cutter or in a food processor

Step #3
add sugar, eggs, cream and vanilla extract and work the dough until all ingredients are well blended together

Step #4
form a ball

Step #5
cut the ball of dough in half, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate

Step #6
peal the apples and remove cores

Step #7
grate the apples

Step #8
in a medium heavy bottomed saucepan combine the apples, cinnamon, sugar and ground cloves, mix and place over medium heat

Step #9
cook for about 20 min, until apples are soft and there is not much sauce from the apples left. Leave to cool.

Step #10
line your 8 by 8 baking pan with parchment paper

Step #11
after the dough has chilled sufficiently, remove one portion of the dough from the fridge and place it on a lightly floured surface. Roll the pastry into rectangle more or less the size of your baking pan

Step #12
fold the dough in half and gently transfer to the baking pan and pressing with your fingers if you need to fill the bottom of the pan

Step #13
prick the dough with a fork all over the surface

Step #14
bake the crust for about 15 min in 180 degrees Celsius until golden brown and let it cool a bit

Step #15
transfer apples on the cooled crust and spread evenly with a spoon or spatula

Step #16
remove the second part of pastry and roll it into a thin rectangle

Step #17
using a pastry wheel or pizza cutter, cut the pastry into about 3/4 inch (2 cm) strips. Place the strips of pastry on the apples creating a crisscross pattern

Step #18
bake for about 20 to 30 min at 180 degrees Celsius until top is golden brown

Step #19
cut and serve warm with vanilla ice-cream

Check this recipe video demonstration on YouTube here: Apple Pie - Szarlotka

Visit me on Facebook here: Ania's Kitchen

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