Monday 16 January 2012

Potato Pancakes - Placki Ziemniaczane - Ania's Polish recipe #1

  • 6 medium potatoes
  • 1/2 of medium onion
  • 4 tbs white flour
  • 1 large egg
  • 5 tbs sour cream
  • salt and pepper
Step #1
Peal the potatoes.

Step #2
Great the potatoes.

Step #3
Great or chop the onion and add to potatoes.

Step #4
Add egg and mix well.

Step #5 
Add flour and mix some more.

Step #6
Season wits salt and pepper.

Step #7
Fry pancakes in oil over medium high couple minutes on each side.

Step #8
Serve with sour cream.

Here you can watch my YouTube video with instructions how to make Polish Potato Pancakes 

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