Thursday 20 September 2012

Isabella's B-Day Cake - Tort Urodzinowy Izabelli - Ania's Polish Food Recipe #31

6 eggs
1/2 cup of sugar
3/4 cup of flour
1/4 cup of corn starch
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 mug of strawberry tea
seedless strawberry purée
1 package of whipped cream fix
1 litre heavy cream
1/4 cup of icing sugar

For decorating:
fresh strawberries
shredded coconut

Separate egg yolks from whites.
Beat the egg whites until soft picks and then start adding  your sugar, spoon by spoon.
When all the sugar is well incorporated add egg yolks, sift in flour with corn starch and baking powder. Add vanilla extract and mix only until all is well mixed.
Spray your round baking pan with non stick spray and transfer the batter gently.
Bake in preheated oven to 180 degrees C for 35 to 40 minutes.
Let the cake cool completely before cutting. Beat your heavy cream with icing sugar and the fix until stiff picks.
Cut into three layers. Spoon the first layer with your strawberry tea then spread the purée and then whipped cream. Repeat the process with a next layer and for the top skip the purée step.
Cover the whole cake evenly with whipping cream.
Decorate with fresh strawberries, shredded coconut and sprinkles.
Refrigerate over night.

Check this recipe video demonstration on YouTube here: Birthday Cake

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